A Page Turning Fourth Adventure
The Mystical Orbs Series
In this series, Sticky and his friends will go too far out places.
Problems have been surfacing from all around and nobody
knows what to do about them.
The problems range from ground trembles to large orbs
appearing in the skies.
What they find out later from Magnus is that there is a problem with the whole Solar System and not just Earth.
Something has happened which caused the eight planets in
our solar system to go out of their orbits.
As each of the planets come close to earth, orbs appear in the skies. These orbs are like doorways to the other planets.
They can use these orbs to travel to the nearby planet
and fix the problems.
This time, Sticky will adventure with
Jibbles, Kobee, Dandelion and Magnus.
Robyn and Dumbley are on their own. They will do some adventures
for the King. All their adventures have to do with the problems
created by the orbs on Earth.
The King has them investigating the weird occurrences. In turn,
they get to help many people who are affected by the orbs.
Although Robyn and Dumbley will work worlds away from Sticky,
they will still be working together.
While Sticky is fixing a different planet, Robyn and Dumbley will
fix the problems the planet caused here on Earth.
Join Sticky and his friends for this
Out of this World Adventure.

The Orbs
Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or having
a hard time reading. This book has larger print and
short paragraphs for easy reading.
It also has shorter chapters to build the child's confidence.
Can this green elf’s magic help him solve some out
of this world problems?
Sticky the elf’s curiosity usually lands him in a big mess.
But this time the planets in our Solar System have gone
out of whack.
He must get his friends on Earth and Fearth to help him.
But first, Sticky must get out of his cozy bed and go
on this daring adventure
His friends, Robyn and Dumbley, have to fill in for
him and do his quests for the king.
But between the planet jumping and the bubble hopping,
there are a lot of ways for a snoopy elf to
get stuck in a pickle…
As Sticky’s crazy out of this world adventure takes him all
over the Solar System, can he stay out of trouble long
enough to fix the problem with the planets?
If you and your child like fun quests, magical
creatures, and a good laugh, then you’ll both love
Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy ‘The Orbs’ to join this exciting adventure today!
Journey to Mercury
Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or
having a hard time reading. This book has larger
print and short paragraphs for easy reading.
It also has shorter chapters to build the child's confidence.
It's time to fix the planet's. Sticky starts with Mercury.
The closest planet to the sun.
Sticky, Dandelion, Jibbles, and Kobee, have to concentrate
to see if they can sense what is wrong with Mercury and
get it back to it's original orbit.
They really get a front row seat to witness what happens on these planets.
Robyn and Dumbley are doing the King's Quests. When Mercury gets close to Earth, it created some orbs.
Some of these villagers get caught up with these orbs
and they try to help them the best they can. The King
learns that there's a whole bunch of crazy out there he
never knew about.
On Fearth, Sticky and the other adventurers find an anomaly and they have to fix it.
If you and your child like fun quests, magical creatures,
and a good laugh, then you’ll both love Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy ‘Journey to Mercury’ to join this exciting adventure today!

The Volcano

Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or having a hard time reading. This book has larger print and short paragraphs for easy reading.
It also has shorter chapters to build the child's confidence.
With Mercury completed. Venus is the next planet to fix.
With Venus being the hottest planet in our Solar System,
it brings many unique problems for Sticky and his friends.
Getting a close look at a volcano proved to be a lot
scary than they thought it would be.
Robyn and Dumbley are doing the King's Quests. When
Venus gets close to Earth, it created some orbs. Some of
these villagers get caught up with these orbs.
They can feel some of the heat from Venus and Robyn and Dumbley have to act quickly to save them.
Next is their trip to Mars where they find long tubes
shooting bursts of air at Earth. Sticky and company
have to figure out how to stop this tubes.
If you and your child like fun quests, magical creatures,
and a good laugh, then you’ll both love Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy ‘The Volcano’ to join this exciting adventure today!
Saturn and Jupiter

Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or having
a hard time reading. This book has larger print and short paragraphs for easy reading.
It also has shorter chapters to build the child's confidence.
With Venus and Mars completed. Saturn and Jupiter are
next. This brings a different kind of problem. These two
planets can't be walked on as they are gas giants. How
are they going to solve this problem.
Robyn and Dumbley are doing the King's Quests. When
these two planets get close to Earth, it created some orbs.
These have an intense gravity pull. This gravity pull
affects things on Earth and Robyn and Dumbley have
to act quickly to fix them.
The King decides to join Robyn and Dumbley to go see
one of the orbs created by Saturn.
When he looks in the orb, he decides his days of going
on adventures will end after the craziness he witnesses
with the orbs.
If you and your child like fun quests, magical creatures,
and a good laugh, then you’ll both love Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy ‘Saturn and Jupiter ’ to join this exciting adventure today!
The Waterfall of Truth

Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or having a hard time reading. This book has larger print and short paragraphs for easy reading.
It also has shorter chapters to build the child's confidence.
With Saturn and Jupiter completed. Neptune is next. This also brings a different kind of problem. Neptune is an ice giant.
When your on ice, it's not so easy to stop. On Pluto, there is very little gravity and this proves to be a problem for Sticky.
Robyn and Dumbley have a unique problem. When the orbs
get close to people, they are frozen from the extreme ice
giants temperatures.
This problem brings a new issue when they try to rescue
them. They don't want to break the frozen villagers.
Sticky has a dream and goes to Fearth to help Dandelion. When they are done, they take a nap at The Waterfall of Truth and Sticky wakes up not really feeling like himself.
If you and your child like fun quests, magical creatures,
and a good laugh, then you’ll both love Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy ‘The Waterfall of Truth’ to join this exciting adventure today!
The Homecoming

Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or
having a hard time reading. This book has larger print
and short paragraphs for easy reading.
It also has shorter chapters to build the child's confidence.
With Neptune completed. Uranus is next. This also brings a problem like they found on Neptune. Uranus is an ice giant.
When your on ice, it's not so easy to stop. On Neptune, there is very little gravity and this proves to be a problem for Sticky.
Robyn and Dumbley have a unique problem. When the orbs get close to people, they are frozen from the extreme ice giants temperatures This problem brings a new issue when they try to rescue them. They don't want to break the frozen villagers.
Sticky and the adventurers also venture to Pluto. Though it is no longer considered a planet anymore, it was back in the 1700's.
Sticky has a dream where he has to solve a problem on Fearth. He has to go to a cave and figure out how to get a crown. This is to help some brownies solve their issue.
If you and your child like fun quests, magical creatures, and a good laugh, then you’ll both love Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy ‘The Homecoming’ to join this exciting adventure today!
P. S This is the last book of this series. But fear not. There
is another one already written for you. It's called
'The Magic School Series' and you can read about
in the last chapter in this book.