A Page Turning Third Adventure
The Lost Treasure Series
This adventure is different from the trip to Philadelphia and the trip to Boston. There are no history lessons in this series.
It’s mostly fantasy, and it takes place in the land of Alberlon where Shendale resides. Shendale is the Village where Sticky lives.
In the last adventure, Sticky found a treasure map and now he wants to find out if there’s any treasure where the big X is.
They will visit Magnus in Springfield, PA. This will be the only real town they visit. All other towns will be in Alberlon. You can see the map at the end of each book.
Sticky, Robyn, and Dumbley are going on The Lost Treasure Adventure. They will start their adventure at the Village of the Ancients where they learn what the map is all about and how to read it.
They will also learn about the many warnings for any who seek the treasure.
In the books of this adventure, they will meet a king who will have them doing quests and some fact-finding missions.
During this series, they will get visits from Jibbles and Dandelion which will create side adventures for them. Sticky will meet a new friend named Kobee who lives on Fearth (Dandelion's planet) and is a good friend of Dandelion.
While on the fact-finding missions, Sticky will find out more about his family and about a magic school they have in Alberlon.
There’s a map at the back of each book to show where they’ve journeyed so far. Simply follow the red line.
I invite you all to expand your imagination and join Sticky, Robyn, and Dumbley as they embark on The Lost Treasure Adventure.

A Long Awaited Adventure
Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or having
a hard time reading. This book has larger print
and short paragraphs for easy reading.
It also has shorter chapters to build the child's confidence.
Sticky and his friends will be using the treasure map they
found in the 2nd adventure. They will start their search for Gold.
Sticky starts by having a really bad day. Robyn and Dumbley
help him gather himself. Magnus a little magic to
straighten out his mess.
Jibbles arrives and needs help to gather some herbs in a
possibly dangerous area. The adventurers decide to help
him regardless of the danger that lies ahead.
If you and your children like fun quests, magical creatures,
and stories sprinkled with comedy, then you’ll both love
Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy 'A Long Awaited Adventure'
to start this exciting adventure today!
The Lost Treasure

Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or having
a hard time reading. This book has larger print and short paragraphs for easy reading.
It also has shorter chapters to build the child's confidence.
Sticky and his friends will be using the treasure map they found in the 2nd adventure. They will start their search for Gold.
Sticky is unwillingly introduced to a hurricane. See what happens when it gets real windy.
The Adventurers visit The Village of the Ancients and have
to do a few errands for Shendler, before he will help them.
The errands are dangerous.
Shendler reads the treasure maps for them. There are a
list of dangers if they go looking for the treasure.
Sticky rides a giant bull and then gets stuck in a trap. Can
he get out? He's all alone to find a way out of the trap.
If you and your children like fun quests, magical creatures,
and stories sprinkled with comedy, then you’ll both love
Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy 'The Lost Treasure' to start this exciting adventure today!

The Crown of Bellendale
Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or
having a hard time reading. This book has larger print
and short paragraphs for easy reading.
It also has shorter chapters to build the child's confidence.
Sticky and his friends will be using the treasure
map they found in the 2nd adventure.
They will start their search for Gold.
Magnus suggests that Sticky go and find out more
information about the treasure and the King of Bellendale
has a quest for him that's the same as Magnus'.
Sticky gets to see his first dungeon. Except he's on the
wrong side. What did Sticky do now.
Dandelion comes back and asks Sticky to help her new friend Kobee. He is a Gnome. Kobee can did a tunnel faster than any animal. This brings Sticky to interesting places.
If you and your children like fun quests, magical creatures,
and stories sprinkled with comedy, then you’ll both love
Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy 'The King's Quests' to start this exciting adventure today!
The King's Quests

Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or having
a hard time reading. This book has larger print and
short paragraphs for easy reading.
It also has shorter chapters to build the child's confidence.
Sticky and his friends will be using the treasure map
they found in the 2nd adventure. They will start
their search for Gold.
Dandelion returns and Sticky has to go to Fearth to help
her sister who was captured by a Troll.
He finds a chest fill with The Coins of the Kidari and gives
it to Dandelion and her sister Aster.
They find the cave where the treasure is suppose to be.
Sticky starts having crazy dreams. Lots of fun to be had.
If you and your children like fun quests, magical creatures,
and stories sprinkled with comedy, then you’ll both love
Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy 'The Lost Treasure' to start this exciting adventure today!
It's in the Cards

Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or having
a hard time reading. This book has larger print and short paragraphs for easy reading. It also has shorter chapters
to build the child's confidence.
Sticky and his friends will be using the treasure map
they found in the 2nd adventure. They will start their
search for Gold.
Sticky gets some land and new home that he has build.
It's a living home. Just like Dandelions, only bigger.
He get knighted and becomes Sir Sticky the Day/Knight
and has an interesting dinner with the King.
He finds out about Alberlon's Academy of Wizards.
His family joins him when he visits the school.
Sticky has another wild dream in Dearth. A fun time for all.
If you and your children like fun quests, magical creatures,
and stories sprinkled with comedy, then you’ll both love
Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy 'It's All in the Cards' to start this exciting adventure today!

A New Home
Easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or having
a hard time reading. This book has larger print and short paragraphs for easy reading.
It also has shorter chapters to build the child's confidence.
Sticky and his friends will be using the treasure map they found in the 2nd adventure. They will start their search for Gold.
His home is done and he loves showing Faylin and Castien all the great things about it.
Castien and Sticky get locked in the dungeon.
Jibbles arrives and they do an adventure with him that involves putting some drops on certain herbs and write down the response.
If you and your children like fun quests, magical creatures,
and stories sprinkled with comedy, then you’ll both love
Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.
Buy 'A New Home' to start this exciting adventure today!
P.S. This is the last book of this series. But fear not.
The next series is out of this world. It's called
'The Mystical Orbs. The last chapter of this
book will tell you all about it.